Industry-Academia Collaboration Program for International Students
Realizing your dream of studying and working abroad!
★ 招生訊息(Admissions Information)
招生簡章 / Admission Guide
入學申請 / Application Form
★ 相關法規及表格(Regulations & Form)
法規 / Regulations
- 龍華科技大學學則摘要 / Lunghwa University of Science adn Technology Regulations Summary (CH、EN、VN)
- 新南向產學合作國際專班學生校外實習要點 / Off-campus internship points (CH、EN)
- 新南向產學合作國際專班學生校外實習合約書範本(CH、EN、ID、VN) / Class Student Out-of-school Internship Contract (Template )(CH、EN、ID、VN)
- 外國學生生活輔導管理辦法 / Foreign Student Life Counseling Management Measures (CH、ID、VN)
- 學生上課點名辦法
- 學生學雜費分期付款實施辦法 / Student tuition and payment instalments (CH、ID、VN)
- 外國學生個別心理諮商流程圖 / Counseling flow chart for foreign students (CH、EN、VN)
表格 / Form
相關連結 / Useful Links
- 教育部境外生諮詢平台 (專線:0800-789-007)/ Inquiry Service for Overseas Student at Tertiary Colleges and Universities
- 外國人在臺生活資訊服務網 / Information for Foreigners in Taiwan
- 109年非住者薪資所得適扣繳率之基準調整
- 修正基本工資公告境外人士扣繳所得稅
- 境外人士扣繳所得稅(Tiêu chuẩn tính thuế cho người nước ngoài)
- Notices for the submission of online application for foreign and overseas Chinese student residence certificate extension or modification
- Continuous Optimization and New Functions Project for Foreign Professionals Application System Platform
- 工作證手冊(Work Permit Website User Manual)
- 辦理外國與外僑學生居留證及展延或異動登記線上申請須知
- 申請延長居留證、工作證(Sinh viên đăng ký gia hạn thẻ cư trú/thẻ lao động)
- 切結書
- 休退學相關規定(Regulations regarding students deferring or withdrawing from their studies)
★ 課程資訊(Curriculum information)
(一)電機工程系(Department of Electrical Engineering)
國際學生產學合作專班 / Industry-Academia Collaboration Program
113學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 113 Academic Year
- 系所簡介/Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 上課影片集錦/Course film highlights
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
111學年度第2學期入學 / Enrollment in Spring Semester of 111 Academic Year
- 系所簡介/Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 上課影片集錦/Course film highlights
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
(二)電子工程系(Department of Electronic Engineering)
電子工程國際產學合作專班 / Electronic Engineering Industry-Academia Collaboration Program
113學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 113 Academic Year
- 系所簡介/Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 上課影片集錦/Course film highlights
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
112學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 112 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 師資介紹 / Faculty
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
111學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 111 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 師資介紹 / Faculty
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
110學年度第2學期入學 / Enrollment in Spring Semester of 110 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 師資介紹 / Faculty
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
109學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 109 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 師資介紹 / Faculty
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
108學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 108 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 師資介紹 / Faculty
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
(三)化工與材料工程系(Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering)
國際學生產學合作專班 / Chemical and Materials Engineering Idustry-Academia Collaboration Program
111學年度第2學期入學 / Enrollment in Spring Semester of 111 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
109學年度第2學期入學 / Enrollment in Spring Semester of 109 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
(四)資訊網路工程系(Department of Computer Information & Network Engineering)
國際學生產學合作專班 / Industry-Academia Collaboration Programm
113學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 113 Academic Year
- 系所簡介/Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 上課影片集錦/Course film highlights
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
112學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 112 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
111學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 111 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表/Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
(五)機械工程系(Department of Mechanical Engineering)
國際學生產學合作專班 / Undergraduate Level Industry-Academia Collaboration Program for International Stud
112學年度第2學期入學 / Enrollment in Spring Semester of 112 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
111學年度第2學期入學 / Enrollment in Spring Semester of 111 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
109學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 109 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
(六)工業管理系(Department of Industrial Management)
消費性電子器材全球運籌與智慧製造國際學生產學合作專班 / Electronic Engineering - Undergraduate Level Industry-Academia Collaboration Program
109學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 109 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
日用民生用品與消費性電子器材供應鏈E化與智慧製造國際學生產學合作專班 / E-commerce and Smart Manufacture for the supply chain of Household Goods and Consumer Electronics International Student Academia-Industry Cooperation program
113學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 113 Academic Year
- 系所簡介/Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 上課影片集錦/Course film highlights
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
112學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 112 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
111學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 111 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
110學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 110 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
(七)觀光休閒系(Department of Tourism and Leisure)
觀光休閒系國際學生產學合作專班 / Tourism and Leisure Industry-Academia Collaboration Program
113學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 113 Academic Year
- 系所簡介/Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 上課影片集錦/Course film highlights
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
112學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 112 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 師資介紹 / Faculty
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
111學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 111 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 師資介紹 / Faculty
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表/Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
107學年度第2學期入學 / Enrollment in Spring Semester of 107 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 師資介紹 / Faculty
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表/Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會/ I nternship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
107學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 107 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 師資介紹 / Faculty
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表/Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
106學年度第2學期入學 / Enrollment in Spring Semester of 106 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 師資介紹 / Faculty
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表/Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片 / Course photo gallery
- 上課影片-106春季班飲料與調酒成果發表 / Course film highlights
- 上課影片-106春季班林口酒廠校外參訪 / Course film highlights
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
106學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 106 Academic Year
- 系所簡介 / Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 師資介紹 / Faculty
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
(八)半導體工程系(Department of Semiconductor Engineering Master)
國際學生產學合作專班 / Industry-Academia Collaboration Program
113學年度第1學期入學 / Enrollment in Fall Semester of 113 Academic Year
- 系所簡介/Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 上課影片集錦/Course film highlights
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery
112學年度第2學期入學 / Enrollment in Spring Semester of 112 Academic Year
- 系所簡介/Department introduction
- 新南向專班簡介 / Introduction of international program of industry-academia collaboration in Taiwan
- 課程配當表 / Curriculum
- 學期課表 / Semester course schedule
- 華語課程 / Chinese language courses
- 上課照片集錦 / Course photo gallery
- 實習廠商介紹 / Internship introduction
- 實習說明會 / Internship seminar
- 實習訪視 / Intern Visit
- 實習照片集錦 / Intern photo gallery